
Tine Vyvey, Liesl Schwalbach, Flo Grymonpon and Maité Declerck:

,,We have made an inspiring trip to the Jacques Tati - Deux Temps, Trois Mouvements exhibition at Caermersklooster in Gent.In the exhibition, fans of Tati can admire unseen photographs, props and costumes, but also personal documents of Tati. The exhibition is a playful and colorful introduction to Tati's humor and aesthetics.

See:  http://www.cobra.be/cm/cobra/cobra-mediaplayer/expo/1.884099

We've decided to make a model of Tativille crowded with all grey people and one colourful person, Tati himself. In the exhibition we have seen his original documents and reproductions. This is to illustrate the uniqueness of Tati's characters in movies who are almost every time played by himself.  His main characters are always people who stand out (Hulot).''
